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Introduction of Sichuan Dujiangyan Economic Development Zone
  In 2003, according to the unified planning of Chengdu city and the requirements on the concentrated development of industries, Dujiangyan city seized the opportunities brought by the industry shift to the west of developed areas such as Jiangsu and successfully set up the regional cooperation platform for enterprise investment of Sichuan and Jiangsu —— Dujiangyan City Industrial Development Zone(Sichuan-Jiangsu Industrial Park of Science and Technology), which serves as a major area where Sichuan undertakes Chengdu-Suzhou cooperative projects. In 2010, it was renamed as Sichuan Dujiangyan Economic Development Zone. The Zone is located in Puyang Town, Dujiangyan city. The total planned area of the zone is 12.8 Km2, with the first-stage project covering 6.6 Km2 and the second-stage project covering 6.2 Km2

  一、Location and Transportation

  Sichuan Dujiangyan Economic Development Zone is located in Puyang town in the northeast of Dujiangyan city, 7 kilometres away from the downtown of Dujiangyan city, and is adjacent to the Dujiangyan Railway Station. Through Chengguan highway, Chengqing tourism fast channel, Chengguan fast channel, the No. 318 national road, the IT Avenue, Chengguan railway, two light rails and other transport lines, it takes just 20—40 minutes to travel from the zone to Chengdu, 40 minutes to the Shuangliu International Airport, and 2-3 hours to river wharfs in Leshan or Chongqing.

  二、Overview on Current Situation

  (一)Introduction of Natural Environment

  Dujiangyan city is located in the transition area of Longmen Mountains and the Chengdu Plain. As a low hilly terrain, it is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. It shares the subtropical humid climate of Sichuan Basin with four distinct seasons, abundant rainfall and a frost-free period of 269 days or more each year. The average temperature of several years is 15.3 ℃, the annual precipitation is 1250-1550m, and the perennial dominant wind is northwest wind.

  (二)Current Situation of Industrial Development

  The leading industries of Sichuan Dujiangyan Economic Development Zone include machinery, food, medicine, new materials and others. As of now, there are 121 contracted projects, of which 27 projects are worth over 100 million yuan.

  (三)Current Situation of Land Use
The planning area is now for industrial use. The industrial enterprises that have been built are mainly located to the east of Duwen railway or on both sides of Puyang Avenue.
Currently, the industrial land of 6.67 square kilometers of the first-stage project in the zone has been basically put into use. The South section and the new industrial town are being developed. Two standardized plants of 100,000 square meters are under active construction, intending to mainly introduce electronics industry, software industry and their upstream supporting enterprises, and take into account the cultural and creative industry, tourism products manufacturers and their upstream supporting enterprises, the health food industry and its upstream supporting enterprises, and the Chinese patent drugs manufacturers and their upstream supporting enterprises.

  (四)Current Situation of Infrastructure

  The zone has been completed its framework road net with six vertical roads and five horizontal roads in it, the project carrying capacity being 6.6 square kilometers.

  The natural reserves of hydropower in the city rank first among all districts and counties of Chengdu. The Landmark project of the western development strategy —— Zipingpu hydropower station is in the city of Dujiangyan. Now the city has built 61 hydropower stations, the installed capacity being 920,000 KW. The natural gas in the city is supplied by China Petroleum & Chemical Group and CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation), the daily supply capacity of which adds up to 300,000 cubic meters, and one gas distribution station is set in the manufacturing area of application products. The Running-water Company of Dujiangyan City supplies 300,000 cubic meters of water each day, which can satisfy the water needs of manufacturing enterprises within the zone; the sewage treatment plant, which can treat 80,000 tons of sewage each day, is able to treat the sewage of manufacturing enterprises.

  (五)Current Situation of Human Resources

  More than 20 universities or secondary specialized schools such as Sichuan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Neosoft Institute of Information Technology gather around Sichuan Dujiangyan Economic Development Zone and cultivate more than 20,000 professionals each year. Neusoft Institute of Information Technology, Sichuan Agricultural University, Sichuan Vocational College of Water Conservancy, Sichuan Technology and Business College, Dujiangyan Vocational and Technical College and other institutions can provide enterprises with orders for personnel training programs and cultivate qualified personnel for enterprises.

  三、The Layout Structure of the Land

  Sichuan Dujiangyan Economic Development Zone plans to form an industrial development pattern featuring “one center, two districts”.

  “One center”: that is, the central area of industrial development formed to the north of Puyang Avenue which relies to the east side of the Duwen Railway and the west of MaLiu River;

  “Two Districts”: that is the two industrial districts to the north of Puyang Avenue;

  The first district: the industrial group that is located to the west side of Duwen railway and close to the warehousing and logistics park of Dujiangyan Railway Station;

  The second district: the industrial group from the north of Maliu River to the north side of Jinfeng township planning scope. It is the next region to be developed within the industrial zone.

  四、Quality Services

  The Administrative Service Center has built the investment service platform to provide one-stop investment-approval services and ensure that everything can be settled at once; the Investment Service Center provides each investment project with three-stop approval - construction – manufacturing services free of charge. It also provides enterprises with 24-hour advanced services and supporting services.

  五、Preferential Policies

  The above-mentioned advantages are only part of the picture. Over recent years, the CPC municipal committee and municipal government have attached great importance to the development of the park and have successively issued Instructions Regarding Encouraging and Supporting Industrial Development, Preferential Measures on the Industrial Development,Management Approaches of Dujiangyan’s Supporting Major Industrial Projects and Special Development Funds of Major Industries, Supportive Policies of Dujiangyan Regarding Encouraging the Development of the Software Industry, Regulations of Dujiangyan Regarding Attracting Senior Software Talents and other policies and meanwhile provide preferential policies in many aspects such as land acquisition, taxes, electricity, and examination and approval so as to reduce the investment costs of enterprises to the largest extent. On the land price, the land pricing of the city is far below that of the coast area and substantially lower than neighboring cities; on plant leasing, we will tailor-make standardized plants for enterprises in accordance with demands of enterprises, and subsidize the rent of plants for 1-3 years; on electricity price, the city has two power supply system: the national grid and the Minjiang River power grid, the reference prices of industrial electricity being 0.548 yuan / kWh and 0.35 yuan / kWh respectively; on corporate financing, Dujiangyan Industrial Development &Construction Investment Co., Ltd. provides enterprises with guarantee for bank loans, or directly provides capital loans to enterprises; on the residential condition, the city will provide investors with high-end residential community and movement leisure places which includes hills, water, city, travelling, music, and entertainment as a whole; at the same time, we also provide corresponding award policies to investment intermediaries, investors, excellent operators and high-tech workers working in Dujiangyan such as academicians or postdoctors.

  The construction of Sichuan Dujiangyan Economic Development Zone is related to the city's overall economic development. We not only actively strive for policies and funds from the higher level and soft and hard loans from financial institutions, but also widely attract social capital investment. We make full use of the function of market in resource allocation, launch construction projects of infrastructure in the park, develop feasible reward programs, and apply BT, BOT and other investment and financing modes so as to collect funds from the society for the construction of the park.
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