Open Governance
Sichuan Establishes Mechanisms for Regular Investigation and Rectification of Prominent Eco-Environmental Problems

  To practically stimulate the solving of prominent eco-environmental problems, Sichuan issued the Notice on Regularly Investigating and Rectifying Prominent Eco-Environmental Problems. Based on this, the province is going to establish corresponding mechanisms.

  According to the Notice, Sichuan will create a great ecosystem forinvestigation and rectification of prominent eco-environmental problems:to build mechanisms for relevant provincial departments to discuss and transfer clues about prominent eco-environmental problems; to focus on feedback from central and provincial eco-environmental protection inspection teams, eco-environmental problems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt handed over by the state to Sichuan Province, and problems reported by the public; to systematically investigate salient weaknesses, vulnerable links, and typical issues in the eco-environmental protection field based on regional features.

  Sichuan Provincial Supervision Office of Ecological and Environmental Protection is scheduled to regularly carry out covert investigations, shoot related warning videos, list prominent eco-environmental problems, and ask municipal (prefecture) governments to rectify them. Cities (autonomous prefectures) should also covertly investigate how the eco-environmental problems are dealt with on a regular basis within their administrative regions, to further ensure that all parties concerned shoulder their responsibilities in supervision and regulation of eco-environmental protection.

  The Notice required that all departments should make a list of to-be-addressed problems, find parties to address them, and require these parties to have them completely rectified. They need to put into action the closed-loop management on eco-environmental protection, which involvessuch steps as discovery, transferring, rectification, writing-off, and consolidation, with effective measures, such as assigning leaders to take charge of an area respectively, making schedules and publishing reports, conducting random inspection and paying return visits, holding interviews and exposing inactive people, and holding to account those who fail to perform their duties. With these efforts, Sichuan is expected to effectively stimulate the solving of prominent eco-environmental problems.

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