Open Governance
Wetland Area in Sichuan Province Reaching 1.7474 Million Hectares

  The wetland area in Sichuan Province has reached 1.7474 million hectares (26.21 million mu), among which 979,000 hectares are protected with 56% of wetland protection rate.

  According to the statistics of Forestry Department of Sichuan Province, as of February this year, Sichuan has built 64 wetland parks at all levels, of which 8 are national ones. In addition, there are 52 wetland reserves in our province. The wetland protection system has been initially built.

  Earlier, our province has clearly defined the target of wetland protection and restoration during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan": by the end of 2020, the total area of wetland in our province will reach 26 million mu. This means the amount of wetland in Sichuan will expand again on its current basis.

  Wetland refers to the area whose surface is wet or often waterlogged with wetland organisms, which is usually undeveloped land (natural wetlands). At present, Sichuan has almost all types of wetlands other than coastal shoal.


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