Open Governance
Jiuzhaigou 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake Intensity Map Released

  Reporters have learned from Health and Family Planning Commission of Sichuan Province that by 12:00 on August 12th, there have been 535 injured in Jiuzhaigou earthquake-hit region. Currently, no serious communicable diseases and emergent public health accidents have been reported.

  Reporters have learned that the Ministry of Public Security has swiftly deployed survey and investigation in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and so on targeting on some online rumors about earthquakes and now a batch of network users who have spread rumors and seismic information, including 4 administrative detention in accordance with law. Relevant cases have been further probed.

  On August 12th, Jiuzhaigou 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake Intensity Map has been officially released by Jiuzhaigou Earthquake Site Direction Headquarters of China Earthquake Administration. According to the map, the maximum intensity of this earthquake is 9 degrees and the total area for intensity over 6 degrees amounts to 18,295 square kilometers, damaging 8 counties of Sichuan and Shaanxi.

  Experts have introduced that the earthquake has reached to the magnitude of 7 degrees. Apart from Jiuzhaigou Scenic Spot, other villages in the earthquake-hit region are sparsely located with comparatively low population density. Meanwhile, the earthquake and disaster reduction at this region has been continuously enhanced. Therefore, the figures of casualties, the injured, and the damage of buildings are fewer than that of Qinghai Yushu 7.1-Magnitude Earthquake, Sichuan Lushan 7.0-Magnitude Earthquake and Yunnan Ludian 6.5-Magnitude Earthquake.

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