Open Governance
Sichuan Provincial Administration For Industry and Commerce Provides Better Services for China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone

  On the day when China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereafter referred to as Sichuan Pilot Free Trade Zone) has officially been established for one hundred days, Sichuan Provincial Administration For Industry and Commerce proposes 4 categories and 18 items of opinions to accelerate the rapid development of Sichuan Pilot Free Trade Zone. Sichuan Provincial Administration For Industry and Commerce has specified to establish credit reporting agencies, support these credit agencies to gather the statistics for company and individual credit, construct a unified company and individual credit service platforms, and provide credit inquiry for citizens, companies, social organizations, judicial departments, government organs and so on.

  Since the establishment, Sichuan Pilot Free Trade Zone has witnessed the initial effects and offered satisfactory transcripts for institutional innovation and economic development. On July 10th, Sichuan Provincial Administration For Industry and Commerce has released Opinions Concerning Serving The Construction of China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereafter referred to as The Opinions), specified the the reform tasks and the deadline for responsibility division for all organs and departments, demanded that single reform tasks should be completed before the end of 2019 in order to released benefits of reform. 

  In terms of streamlining administration and delegating more powers to lowerlevel governments, the Opinions have proposed to adjust the administration authority of Sichuan Pilot Free Trade Zone, lower the provincial registration administrative items to lowerlevel governments, and construct a unified platform for market access. Based on the principle of delegating more powers, Chengdu Administration for Industry and Commerce and Luzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce will adjust and delegate the administrative registration access for Sichuan Pilot Free Trade Zone. All domestic enterprises in Sichuan Pilot Free Trade Zone will be registered and managed in differ zones. All foreign-funded enterprises will be registered based on registration system released by State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Sichuan Provincial Administration For Industry and Commerce has entrusted the authority of name checking and registration for enterprises to entitle Sichuan Pilot Free Trade Zone in the zone to 3 administrations for industry and commerce and market and quality management departments. Sichuan Provincial Administration For Industry and Commerce has also entrusted the registration for domestic and international enterprises to corresponding departments in the zone. Moreover, Sichuan will also construct and improve information sharing and supervision platforms for provincial departments, accelerate to construct public credit information platform, improve the system of informing, deepening the establishment of “Chengdu Credit Website” and “Luzhou Enterprise Information Disclosure Platform”, and promote the credit information gathering, information sharing, and collaborative management between government departments.

  In terms of business registration reform, Sichuan will promote “Internet + Business Registration” in accordance with the requirements of “enlarging coverage and the whole online progress”. Sichuan will ease the limit on enterprise names and support enterprises in the zone to apply for names including “Sichuan Pilot Free Trade Zone”, “Tianfu New Area”, “Qingbai River Railway Port” and “Southern Sichuan Port” and so on. Sichuan will promote the administrative reform on enterprise name registration, release and open enterprise name database, and simplify pre-approval procedures for enterprise naming apart the situation that the pre-approval or checking organs are different from registration organs. Enterprises could apply for names and get approved through Internet, Wetchat, and APP and so on. Sichuan will deepen enterprise residence (business places) registration system reform, support the registration mode of “residence declaration commitment system and negative list management”, regulate the registration of changing residence to business, establish fake declaration linkage supervision and unified punishment mechanism, support the zone to learn from experiences of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone, and explore reform of “separation of business license and business certificate”.

  In terms of supporting industrial development, The Opinions have proposed to implement brand upgrading action in the zone, construct convenient public service platform for intellectual property rights, vigorously develop the professional service for intellectual property rights, support and encourage brand service agencies to improve service in aspects including brand designing, value assessment, registration agent, and legal services, guide export enterprises to register brands at abroad, support products with independent brands to export internationally, strive to create export brands with international competitiveness, vigorously promote the development of advertising industry in the zone, establish advertisement incubation bases, advertising talent training bases, and advertising creation bases, encourage advertising enterprises to establish brand collaborative mechanism with enterprises in the zone, and support these advertising enterprises to advertise on the advertising public service platform.

  As for constructing the whole process of regulatory system, The Opinions have specified to support the whole process of comprehensive supervision system, establish online credit commitment system for enterprises, regulate and open credit services, promote checking and supervision mechanism, use administrative management methods, fully implement the supervision methods of “pre-alerting, notifying and warning for minor illegal affairs, and disposal in accordance with law for severe illegal acts”, strengthen the gathering and sharing for enterprise information, and safeguard the just and fair order for the market.


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