Open Governance
Sichuan Fully Relaxes the Restrictions on the Residential Registration of Rural Migrant Workers

  The Plan on Promoting Rural Migrant Workers and other Permanent Residents to Register Urban Residence issued recently by Sichuan Provincial People’s Government has set the target that the urbanization rate of registered residents in Sichuan should rise annually by over 1.3%, with an annual population registering urban residence of over 1.2 million during the 13th Five-year Plan Period, and Sichuan should rationally lead the migrants to move toward key areas such as Tianfu New Area.

  The plan has made it clear that the urbanization rate in Sichuan will reach approximately 38% by 2020, with the proportion of the urbanization rate of registered residents in various regions to urbanization rate of permanent residents decreasing by over 2%.

  Parallel-Track Approach on Household Registration

  The Plan stipulates that Chengdu should further relax index restrictions. The index restrictions are set in accordance with legal and stable employment, legal and stable residence (house renting is included), the duration of urban social insurance, as well as the time of successive residence.

  Chengdu will implement a parallel-track approach integrating the merit-based residence card system with conditioned household registration system by rationally leading the people to move towards key areas, attaching more importance to solving problems confronting qualified employees and people with household registration in other regions who have bought houses (including second-hand houses) in compliance with comprehensive bearing capacity and functional positioning of Chengdu, so as to enhance the urbanization rate.

  Other cities and counties except Chengdu shall neither set restrictions on household registration by forcing people to purchase houses and referring to the working time, investment, and taxes nor apply the merit-based system.

  Rural Students: Free to Transfer the Household Registration
  The plan requires that the restrictions on household residence of key groups should be fully relaxed.

  Regions except Chengdu should loosen the conditions fro household residence of rural migrant workers, with focus on rural people who join the army, live in urban areas for over five years, and move to urban areas with families, rural students, famers who lose lands, residents in rundown areas of cities, people moving from other regions, new generation of migrant workers, and impoverished rural people willing to transfer the household registration for centralized support, so as to facilitate rural migrant workers capable of being stably employed and living in cities to apply for urban household registration.

  Specific measures should be formulated to attract graduates from higher education institutions, and vocational colleges, overseas students, and technical workers to register residence in  their working and living areas; the policy for university students from rural areas to freely gain and quit household residence should be carried out, which allows the students to transfer the registered residence to the region where the university is and return the registered residence to the original domiciles or transfer to the place where the company is located as they wish.

  Promoting Multiple Rights to be Determined in a unified manner

  The Plan stipulates that the legal rights of the migrant workers in rural areas should be protected; the policy of determining multiple rights in a unified manner will be accelerated, and various rural property rights should be determined, registered and certificated before 2019.

  According to the Plan, the reform of rural collective property rights system will be comprehensively implemented including promoting clearing and checking the collective assets and defining the qualifications for the members of rural collective economic organization in a reasonable manner to ensure the rights and interests of the members; the system for the transferring and transaction of rural property rights should be improved and perfected to strengthen the transaction services and supervision and management of the business; the right of land contracting, the right of homestead usage, as well as the right of distributing collective profits of famers with urban household registration should be protected. They should supported and led to transfer the above rights with profits, but should be strictly restricted within the collective economic organization at present; multiple channels and ways should be explored to pool the funds to compensate the famers who are willing to quit the homesteads and contracted lands; the rural migrant workers should be favored preferential subsidies after moving to the cities; if the rural migrant workers join the arm within three years since they apply for the urban registered residence, their diplomas should follow the standard for rural conscripts; the rural migrant workers with urban household registration should be incorporated into the urban support and assistance range if qualified.

  Rural migrant workers with urban household registration are allowed to continue the basic rural and urban medical insurance according to relevant regulations and enjoy corresponding services of being treated anywhere. The qualified rural migrant workers are able to choose the basic endowment insurance system in original domiciles or working places freely and enjoy pensions according to relevant regulations. The policy for rural migrant workers and expropriated farmers to participate pension plans should be perfected so as to increase the participation rate.


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