Open Governance
An All-Round Protection and Application Plan of Intellectual Property Rights Issued in Sichuan

  Sichuan Provincial People’s Government has recently published the 13th Five-Year Plan of the Protection and Application of Intellectual Property Rights, which marks the first time for Sichuan to incorporate the protection and application of Intellectual Property Rights into the key plans.

 According to officials in Sichuan Intellectual Property Office, It stands as the first protection and application plan of Intellectual Property Rights in all-round areas. With patent as the core in the past, now the Plan covers seven fields including, patent, trademark, copyright, commercial secrets, new species of vegetable, landmark, and intellectual property rights (referred as IPR hereafter) in special regards. It is also a whole-chain Plan with chief steps of the protection and application of IPR involved, including application, management, protection, and services.

  The Plan has put forward the development targets of 2020. Both the amount and quality of IPR should be substantially increased with better application, protection environment, governance, as well as services; the annual application of invention patents should reach 80,000 pieces, the annual pledge financing volumes should account for 6 billion yuan, and there should be 0.4 piece of valid patent for every 100 million yuan earned by major businesses of above-scale manufacturers, with all doubled compared with 2015; the number of famous Chinese trademarks and Sichuan trademarks should cover 2,350, the exports of IPR utility should accomplish 30 million dollars, and the proportion of the value created by patent-intensive industries to GDP ought to rise to 20% from 13.2% in 2015. Centering on providing a solid foundation for innovation driven development and industrial transformation and upgrading, the Plan has set up ten major tasks, involving deepening IPR reforms, perfecting IPR laws and policies, achieving industrial upgrading through IPR, coordinating regional IPR development, conducting strict protection of IPR, promoting effective IPR application, enhancing IPR innovation, offering better IPR services, strengthening IPR talents training, and intensifying open IPR cooperation. The Plan has also specified eight key projects including IPR Governance Enhancement, Industrial Transformation and Upgrading through IPR, Poverty Alleviation through IPR, Protection of IPR, Effective Application of IPR, Comprehensive Services of IPR, Cultural Construction of IPR, and IPR Talents Training.


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