Open Governance
The First 33 Provincial Management Items to Be Delegated to China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone

  On Dec.21st, the reporter has learned from the office of China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone that the provincial government will delegate or entrust to implement the first 33 provincial management items to the free trade area, so as to release the space and vitality of the FTA in independent decision making, system innovation, exploration and practice.

  The 33 itemsinvolve10 departments of our province, including SichuanDevelopment and Reform Commission, SichuanProvincial Economic and Information Commission, Education Department, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Department, Department of Commerce, Administration for Industry and Commerce, Department of Transportation,Department of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration, Administration ofPress, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, covering project investment, commercial registration, drug management, transportation, education, press and publication, etc.

  Previously, officials of the FTA have collected lists of demand from three major sectors. Based on this, our province learns from their experience of delegating provincial management issues.With “coordinated opening of areas along the ocean, border and river” as the breakthrough part and the principle of “delegating power which should be according to the law and the needs of decentralization”, it ultimately determines the first33 items to be delegated or entrusted.

  “We do not pursue for the number of delegation;our emphasis is on proper delegated issues, good transferring and handling. The director of the coordination office of this zone said that during the assessment period, it is important whether the area has the ability to undertake for it ensures that the decentralization can be implemented immediately and effetely. How to benefitmore companies and masses is also an important consideration.

  31 of the 33 issues were directly allocated to Chengdu Management Committee of China (Sichuan)Pilot Free Trade Zone and the administrative committee of South Sichuan port area. Allis to be delegated effectively without any interception from provincial departments.The rest 2 itemsareto be implemented after two administrative committees and related provincial departments signing the administrative entrustment document.At the same time, there are differentiations in the decentralization according to actual situations of Chengdu and Luzhou. For example, thosefor the administrative committee of South Sichuan port area are relative to port construction, cargo ship transportation enterprises and so on.

  Next, Sichuan will seize the opportunity of giving greater autonomous reform rights to FTA to promote this reform led bygovernance streamlining and authority delegation.Sichuan free trade agency revealed that following the first delegated issues, our province will launch more authorization lists according to the implementation and demand of different areas. At present, it has launched the second authorization studies to provide greater experimental space for the reform and innovation of the area.

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