Open Governance
Sichuan Will Initiate Ecological Compensation for Three Rivers

  Minjiang River, Tuojiang River, and Jialing River are three trunk rivers of the upstream of the Yangtze River. On April 18th, the Executive Conference of Sichuan Provincial People's Government has discussed and approved ecological compensation measures. The three rivers mentioned above will be conduced transfer payment for water ecological compensation between the upstream and downstream municipal and county level governments of the monitoring points based on the results of monitoring water quality in accordance with the principle of imposing a penalty on those violating standards and compensating those improving water qualities.

  Reporters learned from the Executive Conference of Sichuan Provincial People's Government that those three rivers indicated to the trunk rivers and important tributaries of Minjiang River, Tuojiang River and Jialing River in Sichuan. Sichuan will establish monitoring end-faces to detect water quality in the borders of relevant cities and counties. Sichuan Department of Environmental Protection will calculate the current and accumulative water ecological compensation funds based on the results of monthly monitoring, and inform relevant municipal and county governments of the results. The results will be reported to and agreed by Sichuan Provincial People’s Government. Then Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance will settle these funds with relevant cities and counties to achieve the payment transfer.

  Sichuan plans to establish 82 monitoring end-faces for those three rivers to monitor water ecology, involved in 19 cities, 52 trial counties. While the water ecological compensation funds will be used for water environmental protection in cities and counties.

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